We all know that we now have 600+ people who have tested Covid-19 positive and the disease not treating us as earlier projected by the government and compared to other developed countries. Whether it is due to government action, change of behavior, or a miracle from God, I would plead with every Kenyan to do two things:
1. Thank God. He has been gracious to us despite many not taking government directives seriously. Keep praying that God protects the uninfected and heals the sick.
2. Do not be complacent, presumptuous or careless. The virus is still spreading and dangerous.
Studying at the behaviour of Kenyans in some of the areas like Kawangware, Githurai, Zimmerman, Kayole, Dandora etc you will wonder whether they care for their lives and that of their loved ones. They are treating a global pandemic so casually that you just don’t wanna imagine what we could be staring at. Really God loves us for sure but our attitude and ignorance might dearly cost us. Let us join hands to flatten the curve.
I’ve observed that most people are not using masks when at their estates, only using them when going to town and a good number of those who have a mask they aren’t covering the nose and mouth but just putting it around the chin. No social distancing and some of the sanitizers being used are just some funny solutions. It’s good to love, regard, value and protect yourself. Desire to live to tell the next generation how Covid-19 shook the world and how you overcame but not to be swept by Corona only to be part of the statistics. Be Safety Conscious. Take precautions and let us be there to be part of the post-Covid regeneration team.
Pamoja tuangamize Corona!!
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