Empower Your Workplace: Join World Safety Week 2024 for a Safer Tomorrow


The impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health
Every 28 April, the International Labour Organization commemorates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, focusing on a timely theme related to occupational safety and health.

This year, the theme will focus on exploring the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health.

Changing weather patterns have notable impacts on the world of work, particularly affecting workers safety and health. Examples of occupational risks exacerbated by climate change include heat stress, UV radiation, air pollution, major industrial accidents, extreme weather events, an increase in vector-borne diseases and increased exposure to chemicals.

The ILO will produce several materials for the World Day 2024, including a report, promotional materials, as well as a global event with experts and guest speakers from governments, employers and workers to discuss how to protect workers and respond to this global challenge
In Kenya, The Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services (DOSHS) organizes national occupational safety and health events to sensitize employers/ occupiers, workers and their representatives on good workplace safety and health management practices.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work serves as a crucial platform for safety experts, stakeholders, and like-minded individuals to come together, share insights, and collaborate towards creating safer environments for all. This year’s event will be held in Nakuru City, and your presence would significantly contribute to the success of our collective mission.

For a decade now I have been in a mission of helping build a Culture of Safety as an Ambassador of Safety by providing appropriate and quality safety equipment as well as equip people with information, skills and knowledge that helps them Prevent, Prepare for and Respond to emergencies in a manner that is Safe, Prompt and Effective and for this reason I would like to share some of the activities that can be done during the week before world safety day as well as during the official Safety Day.

World Safety Week is a valuable opportunity for companies to reinforce their commitment to safety and health in the workplace. Engaging in a variety of activities can create a comprehensive and impactful safety culture. Here are more than 12 suggested activities along with their associated benefits:
1. Safety Workshops:
• Activity: Conduct interactive workshops on specific safety topics relevant to your industry.
• Benefits: Enhance employees’ knowledge and understanding of safety protocols, fostering a safer work environment.
2. Emergency Response Drills:
• Activity: Organize emergency response drills, including fire drills and evacuation exercises.
• Benefits: Ensure employees are well-prepared for emergencies, reducing panic and improving overall response times.
3. Safety Competitions:
• Activity: Host safety competitions such as quizzes, scenario-based challenges, or poster competitions.
• Benefits: Encourage friendly competition, reinforcing safety knowledge, and promoting engagement.

4. Health and Wellness Initiatives:
• Activity: Implement health and wellness programs, including fitness challenges and stress management workshops.
• Benefits: Improve overall employee well-being, which correlates with enhanced safety awareness and performance.
5. Toolbox Talks:
• Activity: Conduct regular toolbox talks to discuss specific safety concerns, share insights, and gather feedback.
• Benefits: Facilitate open communication about safety, allowing employees to express concerns and contribute to safety improvement.
6. Safety Demonstrations:
• Activity: Arrange live safety demonstrations showcasing the correct use of safety equipment and procedures.
• Benefits: Reinforce proper safety practices through visual learning, improving adherence to protocols.
7. Risk Assessment Workshops:
• Activity: Guide employees through risk assessment workshops for their respective tasks or work areas.
• Benefits: Empower employees to identify and address potential hazards, fostering a proactive safety mindset.
8. First Aid Training:
• Activity: Provide first aid training sessions for employees.
• Benefits: Equip employees with essential life-saving skills, increasing the overall safety and well-being of the workforce.
9. Safety Awareness Campaigns:
• Activity: Launch safety awareness campaigns using posters, emails, and other communication channels.
• Benefits: Reinforce key safety messages, keeping safety at the forefront of employees’ minds.
10. Safety Walks and Inspections: –
• Activity: Conduct safety walks and inspections of the workplace.
• Benefits: Identify and address potential hazards in real-time, promoting a proactive safety culture.
11. Ergonomics Assessments: –
• Activity: Offer ergonomics assessments for workstations and provide recommendations.
• Benefits: Enhance employee comfort and reduce the risk of ergonomic-related injuries.
12. Safety Awards Ceremony: –
• Activity: Host an awards ceremony to recognize individuals and teams for outstanding contributions to safety.
• Benefits: Boost morale and motivation while highlighting the importance of a strong safety culture.
13. Mental Health Awareness Sessions: –
• Activity: Conduct sessions on mental health awareness and stress management.
• Benefits: Address mental health issues, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.
14. Peer-to-Peer Safety Observations: –
• Activity: Encourage employees to conduct safety observations and provide constructive feedback to their peers.
• Benefits: Foster a sense of responsibility for each other’s safety and create a collaborative safety culture.
15. Technology Integration Workshops: –
• Activity: Introduce and train employees on the latest safety technologies and tools.
• Benefits: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness in safety management through the use of innovative solutions.
Engaging in these activities during World Safety Week will not only contribute to a safer workplace but also create a lasting impact on your company’s safety culture. The benefits range from improved knowledge and preparedness to enhanced employee well-being and increased overall safety awareness.

World Safety Day Event Highlights:
Benefits of Attending:
1. Knowledge Enrichment: Gain valuable insights from keynote addresses delivered by renowned safety experts, providing you with the latest developments and best practices in ensuring safety and health at workplaces.
2. Practical Learning: Engage in interactive workshops covering various aspects of safety. These hands-on sessions will enhance your practical understanding and application of safety measures in real-world scenarios.
3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow safety advocates, industry leaders, and stakeholders. Build meaningful collaborations that extend beyond the event, fostering a supportive network dedicated to advancing safety practices.
4. Professional Development: Expand your professional horizons by participating in discussions, workshops, and forums led by experts. Acquire new skills and perspectives that contribute to your personal and organizational growth.
5. Showcase of Innovations: Explore the latest safety technologies and innovations designed to create secure and healthy working environments. Stay informed about cutting-edge solutions that can be implemented in your workplace.
6. Collaborative Problem-Solving: Engage in discussions and collaborative problem-solving sessions. Contribute your expertise to address shared challenges and work towards practical solutions for a safer work environment.
7. Recognition: Be part of a collective effort to recognize and celebrate organizations and individuals making significant contributions to safety practices. Your attendance demonstrates your commitment to safety, positioning you as a leader in the field.
8. Awards and Appreciation. From the assessment and competitions in several aspects like First aid, Fire Safety and Occupational Safety and Health that will be taking place prior to the safety day, the best category for both companies and individuals will be awarded during the event.

As an Ambassador of Safety I encourage all companies to participate in both World Safety Week and day activities so that together we can join hands in the building of a safety culture as it is both an individual and collective responsibility.
Participating in a diverse array of activities during World Safety Week is a strategic investment in creating a safer, healthier workplace. From educational workshops to hands-on drills and wellness initiatives, each activity contributes to fortifying your company’s safety culture.
These proactive measures not only mitigate potential risks but also foster a collective commitment to safety among employees. By engaging in these activities, your organization is taking a significant step towards building a workplace where safety is a shared responsibility.
In the realm of workplace safety, the collective efforts made during World Safety Week will resonate beyond the event itself. They will form the bedrock of a resilient safety culture that safeguards not just the physical well-being of employees but also nurtures a sense of community and mutual support.
By attending this event, you will join a community dedicated to making a positive impact on safety practices in Kenya. Your expertise and commitment to safety are crucial in helping us achieve our collective goal of building a culture of safety in all places.
As we embark on this journey of prioritizing safety, let us remember that every action taken to ensure the well-being of our colleagues is a small but powerful ripple that can create waves of positive change. Beyond the drills and workshops, it is the spirit of care and camaraderie that defines a truly safe workplace – a place where everyone returns home not just as colleagues but as a family, bound by a shared commitment to each other’s safety and happiness.
Together, let us weave a tapestry of safety that transcends the boundaries of our workplace, creating a legacy of care, compassion, and enduring solidarity. After all, safety isn’t just a practice; it’s a promise we make to one another for a brighter, safer tomorrow.

Should you have any inquiries or require additional information, feel free to contact The Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services(DOSHS) via doshdept@labour.go.ke
Together, let us strengthen our resolve to create safer and healthier workplaces for everyone. Your participation is instrumental in advancing our shared mission for a safer Kenya.
Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to welcoming you to Nakuru City on 28th April 2024.
Ambassador Steve MbuguaAn Ambassador of Safety

World Safety Day
World Safety Day

World Safety Day
World Safety Day

World Safety Day
World Safety Day

World Safety Day
World Safety Day

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About the Author


Amb. Steve Mbugua is an enthusiastic Ambassador of Safety and wellness with in-depth training, safety advisory and Workplace Safety Behavior Change Coaching experience. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Makinika Afrika Int’l , a Health and Safety Training Firm in Kenya  and Group CEO  Nairobi Safety Shop Limited, the largest Security, Safety and Health Store in the East and Central Africa and Managing Director, Stewa Safaris Kenya Limited a Premier  Tours and  Travels Company in Kenya.

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