My friend, remember that your life and goals are not on lockdown. Even if the government has enacted some restrictions that are bringing serious hindrances, you should set your mindset right and purpose that this will be your best year ever. It will be your year of establishment, increase and enlargement.
These setbacks, challenges, stubborn poverty and circumstances are divine. They are meant to stir us up from our comfort zone and thrive us forward. Not everyone needs sunshine and gentle winds to grow. Some of us grow best in darkness and raging storms. You will shine in this darkness.
Divine Coincidences, last year when other companies and businesses were going down and people complaining about their low moments, that is the period I was very busy making money and impacting lives. In my line of health and safety when Corona first touched China and the whole world was sharing about Corona in China, I was busy studying and equipping myself with relevant information about the pandemic and so many TVs, radio stations and institutions would invite me for interviews and sensitization sessions and of course pay me well because there was no many experts who had packaged themselves with this crucial knowledge. Even BBC- Voice America came to interview me and so Corona in 2020 was a blessing in disguise for me and it is because I seized the opportunity very fast and prepared myself in advance. This pandemic shifted me from a tenant into a home owner in one of the best Nairobi suburbs within a very short period of time. The information I had collected from the pandemic response and management in China is the one that was sought after by these media stations and institutions and they paid for it. By God’s grace we were also able to help a lot of servants of God who were struggling and so we became answered prayers to may. My friend, you gotta set your mindset right. You spend a lot of time with the social media getting entertained and it leaves you empty, poor, depressed and desperate. That is not the will of God. We were created to rule, subdue, have dominion, multiply and be fruitful. Seize chances and prepare yourself to take advantage of opportunities (competitive advantage).
Most of us spend several hours watching various TV programs more so Soaps like Kum Kum Bhagya, Football and Reality TV shows, watching people who have already achieved much, are being paid to act but we don’t have time to pray, read the bible and have a quiet time to listen to what God is telling us. These programs are popular because they allow so many people to sit on the sidelines and just watch somebody else’s life. Those celebrities you are watching on You Tube and Instagram are earning with every click you make, so basically you are paying them. God is saying, ‘Don’t sit on the sidelines of life. I have put so much in you, but you have got to be strong and very courageous. You have got to step out in faith. This is a world of possibilities and you can achieve amazing things if you are committed to succeed. There is a seed of greatness in you. There is great potential in you that require to be stirred up and you have to take responsibility. Understand your strengths and work on them. Consistently work on that strength. Enjoy the process and adventure and soon you will be testifying about your journey and victories. The best part about growing into the better version of yourself is witnessing the process of your own transformation. Be curious and try identify society needs and problems to get solutions for them. Billionaires are incredibly curious; what the rest of the world thinks is a problem and complains about, that’s what they go and work on. Mind your company and companions. Your friends shape your destiny. Lazy friends divert vision. Focused friends direct vision. Some friends add to you; others take away from you. Be a friend who adds and release those who subtract. Spend time with passionate people because passion is contagious.
Because there will be an open heaven for you, as you rise up please remember to build your children to be strong men to be able to manage and multiply what you will leave behind.
Friends, most rich and middle income parents are having problem raising their teens? Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create tough times. Easy times are creating weak men and this generation will create tough times. Once God Has blessed us we make life so easy for our kids and so they become weak men and later they are not able to manage the wealth we leave behind. If we don’t shape our kids, they will be shaped by outside forces that don’t care what shape our kids are in. Parenthood is a virtue.
Be smart and creative and things will be easy for you. It’s not the load that wares you down, it’s how you carry it. As you focus on your dreams and visions, set your mindset right, be relevant and consistent.
Take risks. Think and act. Tell your worries to take a mandatory/compulsory leave this time round..
Carbon monoxide is odourless, colourless, tasteless but as you inhale it it KILLS YOU SLOWLY BUT SURELY!!! The monoxide of the mind is the same! It shows its effect in stagnation, mediocrity, fear to pursue your God given dreams. It then kills you slowly first by killing your dreams then your life, you need the pure oxygen which is the word of GOD and if you combine it with courage, faith, persistence, consistence and with your diligence you’ll beat all odds. Pass the trust test. Trust God, He is well able to speedily connect you to your great destiny.
If you don’t want to be stressed with this life, stop comparing and competing with others, focus on eternity and realize those things that you are spending a lot of energy and time accumulating will be left here when you go to heaven. Be kind and compassionate and you will realize that life is so fulfilling when you learn how to give and share. Never stop doing the little things to other people. Sometimes it’s those little things that will occupy the biggest part of their heart and life. You have the capacity to touch lives through a smile, encouragement or any other kind act and you will always have people around you to show compassion and care regardless of their status and through this you will not only make someone happy but also you’ll be fulfilled, happy and blessed bountifully.
“I have offended God and Mankind, by doing so little with my life.” – Leonardo Da Vinci on his deathbed
Mind about your neighbors, friends and families. All that goes around comes around. If you think your neighbor’s poverty problem isn’t yours, then wait just a little while, incase his children become robbers, you will be the first target directly or indirectly. Therefore, you better start thinking how to get them out of poverty in order to secure your wealth.
My friend, may you shine in this darkness. May this be your year of new birthings and mounting up like eagles.
Your manifestation will be witnessed and televised globally. Doors will open for you everywhere. The world will hear your testimony. Your testimony will shock everybody and will sound too good to be true. Jehovah Elshaddai is so fully involved in your matter. Jehovah will do marvelous things that will leave you speechless. Continue to win and flourish with great grace. May you walk with the spirit of excellence, relevance and longevity.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you. NLT

Common Abbreviations used in Occupational Health and Safety
1. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration o