A person visiting the church for the first time may forget many things about the service, but he is not likely to forget the usher who met him at the door, or the minister who stood in the pulpit.
First impressions count in any sphere, and the local church is no exception to that rule. First impressions can, and have literally chased away the very people the local assembly was trying to encourage through its doors!
Training and developing all labourers in the vineyard is essential for the effective and efficient running of the church. Ushers should be no exception to this rule. They are the first point of contact with visitors and create a lasting impression, good or bad.
If the usher presents a neat appearance and is alert, friendly, and helpful, the newcomer is off to a good start. He is comfortably seated; he has an order of service settled in a neat and comfortable place, he is ready to worship and to listen to the preacher, and possibly to come again. But if the usher at the door is expressionless and unbending, or fails to perform graciously all the functions of a good usher, something has been lost that cannot easily be recovered. The outcome of a church service and the blessing received depend largely upon trifles, and the quality of ushering is often decisive.
This is an easy to use, essential workbook for any Christian denomination to get to grips with excellent stewardship and hospitality for churches.
My Ushering Training takes a whole day(8 hours probably on a Saturday) or three Sessions(3 Sunday afternoons). You can email me via info@ambstevembugua.co.ke to book for a session or get a copy of the manual.
My passion is for the body of Christ to work together more effectively so that God’s Kingdom can be expanded even as we usher in the great revival and the promises of a great and glorious latter Church.
One of my personal theme is ‘To remove shame and disgrace in the house of God and among His servants’
This manual is the ultimate guide to serving with excellence in the house of God.
Fire Prevention Week October 6th to October 12th 2024
Fire Prevention Week, observed annually in October, is a
[…] 1. Faithfully attend church, whether you have ushering responsibilities that day. 2. Arrive at the church 30 minutes prior to the start of the service. 3. Dress should be appropriate, descent, clean, and neat. 4. Work and receive instructions from the Chief Usher. 5. Get the bulletins and take them to the assigned positions. 6. Maintain supplies at the Altar, make sure pews have adequate hymnals, Bibles, pencils, and offering envelopes if provided. In most churches, these are not provided so your responsibility will be to make sure pews are well organized and neat. 7. Welcome arriving congregation with a warm, friendly smile. 8. Be alert for issues that may need your attention. 9. Provide directions to the nursing mothers, Sunday school children, etc. 10. Assist the elderly and handicapped out of their cars and into the church. 11. Be available for offering, special offerings, and other duties as directed by the Pastor. 12. In some churches, several ushers and church deacons count the offerings and place the offering in the safe. 13. After the offering, at least one usher must remain in the lobby area to offer assistance when needed. They can monitor the hallways for unexpected guests. 14. Be aware of the temperature in the sanctuary. 15. Some churches require an usher to count attendance. 16. Be available around the Alter. 17. After the service has ended, have a designated usher go through the church building to make sure doors and windows are locked and no one else is in the building. 18. Turn out lights, lock all doors and windows, and ensure all power sources are switched off. 19. Provide Emergency help when needed in an orderly fashion. 20. During rainy months, provide rails for the congregation to scrub away mud and wipe their shoes. For more Ushering Tips please check Church Ushering 101 […]